Last Updated on December 15, 2022 by admin
From bodybuilders to Personal Trainers, people all over the world are taking more interest in their fitness and health and the goal to building muscle. While many aim for 3-5 workouts a week, there are a few who train 7 days a week.
That’s right! They train every single day. If you are a gym enthusiast and are looking for a plan that allows you to workout 7 days a week without hitting extreme burn out, then you are in the right place.
Below is an in depth training plan for working out 7 days a week. We have also included some tips and tricks to help you avoid muscle fatigue, muscle pain, and to make it overall more enjoyable.
Find out more below!
Tips For Avoiding Fatigue And Soreness
Whether you train 3 days a week or 7, you can still experience muscle fatigue and soreness if you fail to take care of them properly. Below are tips that will help keep on top form while going through this rigorous training process.
1. Nutrition & Water
Before you even step foot in a gym, if you are not fueling yourself properly you are going to see little to no results. For both fat loss and muscle building you need to be eating enough protein, carbs, and fats in order to see any real change.
So, have a satiating snack half an hour before training to help fuel your body throughout each workout. You must also keep your body hydrated. Not having enough water within your body can lead to extreme fatigue.
Especially when training 7 days a week.
2. Warm Up
It is crucial to warm up before lifting weights since it will assist you improve blood flow and let your muscles use oxygen more effectively. Additionally, it may lower the risk of injury.
To raise your heart rate, you can engage in a variety of cardio exercises for 5 to 10 minutes, such as treadmill jogs, pushups, bodyweight squats, jumping rope, or stationary cycling.
Include a short mobility routine to loosen up the joints and tendons which will allow you to get a deeper range of motions and perform better during exercises.
3. Rest
As you will be having no rest days, it is extremely important that you take breaks between sets. When performing compound exercises such as bench press and squats, a rest of 203 minutes is required.
Giving your body the rest in between sets will allow your muscle to recuperate and prepare to lift effectively within your next set.
A rest of 1 to 3 minutes between isolation exercises is optimal for smaller muscle groups.
Outside of the gym it is important that you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep. This is the time where your muscles repair any microtears and can heal any potential injuries.
Having enough sleep will allow you to have the energy to complete the day’s workout and go about your daily activities.
Without the right amount of rest your body may not be able to function properly and will not be able to perform to the level that you want to.
4. Lift The Correct Weight
This is a completely personal choice. You can lift as heavy as you like. Although, It’s recommended to start with lighter weights and gradually raise the burden for the second and third sets.
According to a study, heavy load training aids in boosting maximum strength, moderate load training boosts muscle growth, and low load training boosts muscular endurance. As a result, you can raise the weight, using your own judgement.
5. Post Workout Stretch
Once you finish your training you may be tempted to pack up and leave the gym. However, it is recommended to complete a slow 5-10 minutes full body stretch to cool down.
Stretching after a workout will increase your body’s flexibility and mobility while lowering your chances of injury and tense muscles.
You can perform exercises like the cobra stance, the cat-cow, the superman pull, and the lunging hip flexor stretch while standing or sitting.
In order to prevent muscle soreness and fatigue, stretching after a workout is an essential part of the process.
7 Day Workout Plan To Maintain Fitness

If you are new to working out entirely then working out 7 days in a row is not recommended. However, if you have been training for a while and want to maintain your level of fitness then this plan is for you.
This plan is a little less intense than the one for muscle building. However, it will still challenge you and provide you with a strong foundation if you then choose to start building muscle.
Workout Split
The workout split is how you are going to split up training each muscle group.
The split for this workout plan is:
Day 1- Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps
Day 2- Back and Biceps
Day 3- Abs
Day 4 – Legs
Day 5- Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps
Day 6- Back and Biceps
Day 7- Legs
Now let’s get into the workout!
Day 1- Chest, Shoulder, And Triceps
1. Treadmill- 10 Minutes
- 2 Minute Light Job
- 4 Minute Run at Comfortable Speed
- 2 Minute Walk
- 2 Minute Run at Comfortable to Fast Speed
2. Barbell Or Dumbbell Neutral Bench Press
- Set 1- 10 Reps (Very Light Weight)
- Set 2- 15 Reps
- Set 3- 12 Reps
- Set 4- 10 Reps
After the warm up set, begin with your lightest working weight. Working your way up to your maximum working weight. Taking 2-3 minutes between each set.
3. Push Ups
- Set 1- 10 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
Complete on knees, traditionally, or with weight on back to push your muscles further. Ensure to take a one minute rest between sets.
4. Barbell Overhead Press/Military Press
- Set 1- 10 Reps (Very Light Weight)
- Set 2- 15 Reps
- Set 3- 12 Reps
- Set 4- 10 Reps
Start with your lightest working weight after the warm-up set. up to your maximum working weight. 2 to 3 minutes are allowed between each set for rest.
5. Dumbbell Pullover
- Set 1- 10 Reps
- Set 2- 8 Reps
- Set 3- 6 Reps
Increase the weight with each set ensuring the movement is still slow and controlled. Keep the elbows locked and tucked towards the hips to prevent flaring out.
6. Tricep Rope Pushdown
- Set 1- 15 Reps
- Set 2- 12 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
Increase the weight with each set. Keep the elbows tucked into sides only allowing the forearms to move.
Day 2- Back And Biceps
1. Cycling- 10 Minutes
2. Lat Pulldown
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
Increase the weight with each set. Keep shoulders retracted, lean back slightly and pull the bar down towards the top of the chest.
3. Seated Row
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
Increase the weight with each set. Fully extended arms and shoulder, pull handle towards core, keeping the back flat.
4. Face Pull
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
Increase the weight with each set. Ensure the bar is pulled toward eyes to target the lats and middle back. Keep elbows high and back tight.
5. Barbell Curl
- Set 1- 10 Reps
- Set 2 -10 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
` Keep elbows tucked into sides and prevent using momentum to lift the weight.
Day 3- Abs/Core
1. Treadmill – 5 Minutes
2. Bicycling – 5 Minutes
3. Russian Twist– 20 Seconds, 20 Seconds Rest
4. Mountain Climbing – 30 Seconds, 15 Seconds Rest
5. Dumbbell Side Bend – 10 Reps, 15 Seconds Rest
6. Weighted Crunches– 10 Reps, 15 Seconds Rest
7. Bicycle Crunches – 20 Seconds, 15 Seconds Rest
8. Plank – 60 Seconds, 15 Seconds Rest
9. Weighted Reverse Crunches – 10 Reps, 20 Seconds Rest
10. Hanging Knee Raise – 10 reps, 20 Seconds Rest
11. Side Plank– 30 Seconds On Each Side
12. V-Ups Crunches– 20 Seconds, 20 Seconds Rest
Day 4-Legs
1. Treadmill- 5 Minutes
- 5 Minutes Incline Walk
2. Barbell Back Squat
- Set 1- 15 Reps (Very Light Weight)
- Set 2- 12 Reps
- Set 3- 12 Reps
- Set 4 – 6 Reps (Heavy Weight)
Sets 2 and 3 should be difficult with Set 4 taking you to almost failure. Ensure to stretch before and after to allow for best recovery.
3. Machine Leg Press
- Set 1- 10 Reps
- Set 2- 12 Reps
- Set 3- 15 Reps
Start with the heaviest weight, decreasing the weight with each set.
4. Hamstring Curl
- Set 1 – 10 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 12-15 Reps
5. Calf Raise
- Set 1- 20 Reps
- Set 2- 20 Reps
- Set 3-20 Reps
Day 5- Chest, Shoulder, And Bicep
1. Treadmill- 10 minutes
- 2 Minute Light Job
- 4 Minute Run at Comfortable Speed
- 2 Minute Walk
- 2 Minute Run at Comfortable to Fast Speed
2. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
- Set 1- 10 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
Set 3 should be a heavy weight to begin progressive overload.
3. Seated Machine Fly
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
4. Dumbbell Front Raise
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
5. Dumbbell Lateral Raise
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
Keep hips slightly hinged forward.
Day 6- Back And Biceps
1. Treadmill- 5 Minutes
- Incline Walk
2. Cycling- 5 Minutes
3. Romanian Deadlift
- Set 1 – 10 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 12-15 Reps
Hinging hips back until there is a stretch in the hamstring. Keep chin tucked into chest to prevent back injury.
4. Pulls Ups
- Set 1- 12-15 Reps
- Set 2- 12 Reps
- Set 3- 12 Reps
Can also perform Lat Pulldown instead of Pull Ups.
5. Barbell Bent Over Row
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 12 Reps
- Set 3- 12 Reps
Hing hips back and lean over slightly. Bring the bar up towards the belly button and release it slowly and controlled.
6. Barbell Curl
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
Day 7-Legs
1. Treadmill- 5 Minutes
- 5 Minutes Incline Walk
2. Squat Jump
- Set 1- 10 Reps
- Set 2 – 10 Reps
3. Hack Squat
- Set 1- 10 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
4. Leg Extension
- Set 1- 10 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
5. Barbell Hip Thrust
- Set 1- 10 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
6. Calf Raise
- Set 1- 20 Reps
- Set 2- 20 Reps
- Set 3-20 Reps
7 Day Workout Plan For Muscle Building

If you are looking to build muscle through a 7 day workout plan then look below!
Workout Split
Day 1- Chest and Triceps
Day 2- Back and Biceps
Day 30 Quadriceps, Calves, and Shoulders
Day 4- Chest and Triceps (Optional Core)
Day 5- Back and Biceps
Day 6- Shoulders, Hamstrings, and Glutes
Day 7 Rest Day
Day 1- Chest And Triceps
1. Treadmill- 10 Minutes
- 2 Minute Light Job
- 4 Minute Run at Comfortable Speed
- 2 Minute Walk
- 2 Minute Run at Comfortable to Fast Speed
2. Barbell Bench Press
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
- Set 4- 8 Reps
3. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 12 Reps
- Set 3- 12 Reps
4. Incline Cable Flys
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
5. Parallel Bar Dip
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
6. Skull Crusher
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
7. Role Push Down
- Set 1 – 15 Reps
- Set 2- 15 Reps
- Set 3- 15 Reps (Light Weight)
Day 2- Back And Biceps
1. Cycling- 10 Minutes
2. Pull -Ups
- 3 Sets- AMRAP
AMRAP or As Many Reps A Possible pushes to failure.
3. Deadlift
- Set 1- 10 Reps
- Set 2- 8 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
- Set 4- 6 Reps (Heavy Weight)
4. Front Lat Pull Down
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
5. Seated Cable Row
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
6. Single Arm Dumbbell Row
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
7. Barbell Curl
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
8. Dumbbell Hammer Curl
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
Elbows tucked into sides with slow release back down.
9. Wrist Curl
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
Using very light weight. Helps strengthen the wrist for grip strength.
Day 3- Quadriceps, Calves, And Shoulders
1. Treadmill- 10 minutes
- Incline Walk
2. Barbell Back Squat
- Set 1- 15 Reps (Light weight)
- Set 2- 12 Reps
- Set 3- 12 Reps
- Set 4- 8 Reps (Heavy Weight)
3. Calf Raises
- Set 1- 20 Reps
- Set 2- 20 Reps
- Set 3-20 Reps
4. Barbell Military Press
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
5. Seated Rear Delt Raise
- Set 1 – 12- 15 Reps
- Set 2- 12-15 Reps
- Set 3- 12-15 Reps
- Set 4- 8 Reps
6. Dumbbell Lateral Raise
- Set 1 – 12- 15 Reps
- Set 2- 12-15 Reps
- Set 3- 12-15 Reps
- Set 4- 8 Reps
7. Leg Press
- Set 1- 15 Reps
- Set 2- 12 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
Day 4- Chest And Triceps (Optional Core)
1. Cycling- 10 minutes
2. Barbell Bench Press
- Set 1- 10 Reps
- Set 2- 6 Reps
- Set 3- 6 Reps
- Set 4- 4 Reps
3. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 12 Reps
- Set 3- 12 Reps
- Set 4- 8 Reps (Heavy Weight)
4. Weight Push Up
- Set 1- 8 Reps
- Set 2- 8 Reps
- Set 3- 6 Reps
5. Tricep Cable Push Down
- Set 1- 8 Reps
- Set 2- 8 Reps
- Set 3- 6 Reps
6. Dumbbell Tricep Extension
- Set 1- 8 Reps
- Set 2- 8 Reps
- Set 3- 6 Reps
Keep the elbow locked with only the forearm moving. Top of the arm should remain in line with the body.
Optional Core Workout
- Dumbbell Side Bend – 10 reps, 15 seconds rest, repeat each side
- Weighted Crunches– 10 reps, 30 seconds Rest
- Bicycle Crunches – 20 seconds, 45 seconds Rest
- Plank – 60 seconds, 30 seconds Rest
- Side Plank – 30 seconds, no rest
- Russian Twist– 20 seconds, 45 seconds Rest
Day 5- Back And Biceps
1. Cycling- 10 Minutes
2. Pull Ups
- 3 Sets- AMRAP
3. Front Lat Pulldown
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
4. Seated Cable Row
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
5. Incline Dumbbell Curl
- Set 1- 8 Reps
- Set 2- 6 Reps
- Set 3- 6 Reps
- Set 4- 4 Reps
6. Bent Over Barbell Row
- Set 1- 8 Reps
- Set 2- 6 Reps
- Set 3- 6 Reps
- Set 4- 4 Reps
7. Dumbbell Hammer Curl
- Set 1- 8 Reps
- Set 2- 6 Reps
- Set 3- 6 Reps
Day 6- Shoulders, Hamstrings, And Glutes
1. Treadmill- 10 minutes
- Incline Walk
2. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
- Set 1- 10 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 10 Reps
Keep a slight bend in the knees to target the glutes.
3. Hip Thrust
- Set 1- 12 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 8 Reps
4. Dumbbell Arnold Press
- Set 1- 10 Reps
- Set 2- 8 Reps
- Set 3- 4 Reps
5. Shoulder Raises
- Set 1- 8 Reps
- Set 2- 8 Reps
- Set 3- 6 Reps
6. Dumbbell Lateral Raise
- Set 1 – 12- 15 Reps
- Set 2- 12-15 Reps
- Set 3- 12-15 Reps
- Set 4- 8 Reps
7. Leg Curl
- Set 1- 10 Reps
- Set 2- 10 Reps
- Set 3- 12-15 Reps
Day 7- Active Rest Day
While you may expect to spend every single day in the gym on this program, that would hinder your progress more than help it.
Allow each muscle to have a full day of rest on day seven because rest is just as crucial to fitness as exercise. then follow the same plan for the ensuing weeks.
However, don’t stop moving completely. Going for a relaxing walk or taking part in low impact exercise will help your recovery and prepare you for the week ahead.
Wrapping Up
Whether you are training for a competition or just want to push your body that extra little bit, training 7 days a week is extremely difficult.
With this plan you can maintain your fitness level while you decide where you want to go next or build muscle at a rapid rate.
Just remember to remain hydrated, eat plenty of whole foods, and take enough rest to let your body properly recover!